Mini-Rock Swirls, Columbia MO
I took the dogs for a brief run at Grindstone Nature Area. I was running late, so I rushed through our normal hike without taking any breaks until we got to Mini-Rock Falls. When I got there I had exactly 10 minutes before I had to leave. I made two photos worthy of sharing during those 10 minutes, including this one. Photography never ceases to surprise me. Sometimes I shoot for two hours and end up with nothing. Other times I shoot for 10 minutes and get two gems. For example, the other night I shot for two hours trying to capture lightning as a storm blew South of Columbia, and came home with nothing.
This is a single 1/2 second exposure. I used a circular polarizer to cut the glare off of the water and allow the colors and textures of the rocks to shine through. I was surprised how dreamy the water looks at this shutter speed. I generally like a longer exposure, but in this case the water was moving fast enough and I was close enough to the action to get a nice blurring effect. I checked the image on my LCD screen and saw I had good motion blur, so I didn't need to get out my neutral density filter and use a longer exposure. It was a good thing too because I was in a hurry!
CreativeLIVE is live today. The workshop is "Lightroom Fundamentals" with Laura Shoe. You can watch live in high resolution for free here (and low resolution here).